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Reclaimed Spaces

by Belloh Williams

Belloh Williams is a 52 year old writer living in the Netherlands. She originaly came from Liberia Africa, where she laid the foundation for her book about reclaiming spaces


Who I Am

About me


Hello, I'm Belloh Williams, and I warmly welcome you to the tapestry of my life. My journey weaves together stories from the vibrant heart of Liberia, a cherished gem in West Africa, to the tranquil and picturesque landscapes of the Netherlands, a place I've been fortunate to call home for over 23 years. My roles are as diverse as my experiences: I am an author, a dedicated social worker, a nurturing grandmother, a loving partner, and a sibling to many.

What Readers say


“Belloh has a unique talent for storytelling. I am now reading her new book Reclaimed Spaces and it is awesome!”

Richard Wilson

My Recent Works

